Property Id : 3061844
Price: $ 339,000
Property Lot Size: 51 ft2
TaxLot: 0
InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: 1
StreetNumberNumeric: 2835
ListAgentFullName: Meredith Story
InternetAddressDisplayYN: 1
ListAgentMobilePhone: 606-748-7201
OnMarketDate: 2024-09-14
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN: 1
ListOfficeKey: 20210603172009063107000000
ListAgentLastName: Story
StatusChangeTimestamp: 2024-11-15T00:10:51Z
ListAgentFirstName: Meredith
PriceChangeTimestamp: 2024-11-08T17:02:46Z
MajorChangeType: Status Change
OffMarketDate: 2024-11-14
LotSizeUnits: Acres
DocumentsCount: 0
BuyerAgentMlsId: 28663
LotSizeSquareFeet: 2221560
ListingId: 1668958
SourceSystemName: Metro Search (Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS®)
SourceSystemKey: 20240826193737096840000000
StateOrProvince: KY
ListOfficeName: Story Realty
LotFeatures: Cleared,Wooded,Flat,Rolling,Sloping
OriginatingSystemKey: 20240826193737096840000000
VideosCount: 1
PhotosCount: 78
PhotosChangeTimestamp: 2024-10-30T14:09:00Z
PurchaseContractDate: 2024-11-14
OriginatingSystemName: Metro Search (Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS®)
Utilities: Propane,Public Water
OriginalListPrice: 299900
ListingContractDate: 2024-08-26
StreetSuffix: Rd
OriginatingSystemID: M00000290
LotSizeDimensions: 51 acres
StreetNumber: 2835
StreetName: Orchard
ModificationTimestamp: 2024-11-15T00:11:47Z
ListOfficeMlsId: 28663
MlsStatus: Pending
VideosChangeTimestamp: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
TaxBlock: 0
LotSizeArea: 51
SourceSystemID: M00000290
ParcelNumber: 051000000503
ListAgentMlsId: 28663
AssociationFee: 0
MajorChangeTimestamp: 2024-11-15T00:10:54Z
Directions: From Flemingsburg, KY, take KY-32 E for approx. 2 miles, then turn right onto KY-697 for approx. 5 miles, then take a right onto KY-1515 for approx. 0.6 miles, property is located on the left.
MLSAreaMajor: 12-Other Counties
MLSAreaMinor: 12-Other Counties
BuyerOfficeMlsId: 28663