Property Id : 2982194
Price: $ 439,900
Property Size: 3,498 ft2
Property Lot Size: 7 ft2
Rooms: 9
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
BathroomsFull: 3
TaxLot: 0
AboveGradeFinishedArea: 1749
BuildingAreaSource: Other
FoundationDetails: Poured Concrete
BelowGradeFinishedArea: 1749
Fencing: Partial
StreetNumberNumeric: 2893
Roof: Metal
ConstructionMaterials: Brick
ListAgentFullName: Mike Ballard
InternetAddressDisplayYN: 1
ListAgentMobilePhone: 502-510-0515
OnMarketDate: 2023-12-21
BathroomsHalf: 0
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN: 1
ListOfficeKey: 20131203192909036348000000
ListAgentLastName: Ballard
Cooling: Central Air
FireplacesTotal: 2
StatusChangeTimestamp: 2023-12-21T18:57:48Z
ListAgentFirstName: Mike
PriceChangeTimestamp: 2024-02-26T18:10:11Z
MajorChangeType: Price Reduced
LotSizeUnits: Acres
DocumentsCount: 2
LotSizeSquareFeet: 314503.2
ListingId: 1651671
YearBuilt: 50
SourceSystemName: Metro Search (Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS®)
SourceSystemKey: 20231221142339998687000000
DocumentsAvailable: Seller Disclosure,Lead Base Paint Disc
Basement: Walkout Finished
StateOrProvince: KY
ListOfficeName: Area One Realty, LLC
OriginatingSystemKey: 20231221142339998687000000
VideosCount: 0
PhotosCount: 36
PhotosChangeTimestamp: 2023-12-21T18:57:49Z
BuildingAreaTotal: 1749
Stories: 1
OriginatingSystemName: Metro Search (Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS®)
Utilities: Septic System,Public Water
OriginalListPrice: 450000
ListingContractDate: 2023-12-21
StreetSuffix: Rd
OriginatingSystemID: M00000290
StreetNumber: 2893
StreetName: Louisville
ModificationTimestamp: 2024-12-13T21:04:02Z
ListOfficeMlsId: 20648
MlsStatus: Active
TaxBlock: 0
LotSizeArea: 7.22
SourceSystemID: M00000290
ParcelNumber: 44000-00-020
ListAgentMlsId: 20711
ParkingFeatures: 1 Car Carport,Attached,Lower Level,Driveway
AssociationFee: 0
DocumentsChangeTimestamp: 2023-12-21T14:50:02Z
Heating: Forced Air,Propane
MajorChangeTimestamp: 2024-02-26T18:10:11Z
Directions: Louisville Road to property.
MLSAreaMajor: 10-Nelson County
LivingAreaSource: Other
GarageSpaces: 1
MLSAreaMinor: 10-Nelson County