Property Id : 2986329
Price: $ 2,750,000
Property Size: 4,690 ft2
Property Lot Size: 10 ft2
Rooms: 15
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 5.5
BathroomsFull: 5
TaxLot: 0071
AboveGradeFinishedArea: 4690
BuildingAreaSource: Appraiser
BelowGradeFinishedArea: 0
Fencing: None
StreetNumberNumeric: 8221
Roof: Shingle
ConstructionMaterials: Wood Frame
ListAgentFullName: Joanne J Owen
InternetAddressDisplayYN: 1
ListAgentMobilePhone: 502-648-5330
OnMarketDate: 2024-03-15
BathroomsHalf: 1
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN: 1
ListOfficeKey: 20131203192852274023000000
ListAgentLastName: Owen
Cooling: Central Air,Heat Pump
FireplacesTotal: 0
StatusChangeTimestamp: 2024-03-15T19:03:18.000Z
ListAgentFirstName: Joanne
MajorChangeType: New Listing
LotSizeUnits: Acres
DocumentsCount: 3
PatioAndPorchFeatures: Deck,Porch
LotSizeSquareFeet: 424274.4
ListingId: 1656637
YearBuilt: 1900
SourceSystemName: Metro Search (Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS®)
SourceSystemKey: 20240315184712419632000000
ArchitecturalStyle: Traditional
DocumentsAvailable: Seller Disclosure,Lead Base Paint Disc,Property Showing and Offer Response Form,Floor Plan
Basement: Unfinished
StateOrProvince: KY
ListOfficeName: Kentucky Select Properties
OriginatingSystemKey: 20240315184712419632000000
VideosCount: 0
PhotosCount: 72
PhotosChangeTimestamp: 2024-03-15T19:54:49.000Z
BuildingAreaTotal: 4690
Stories: 2
OriginatingSystemName: Metro Search (Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS®)
Utilities: Electricity Connected,Propane
OriginalListPrice: 2750000
Sewer: Septic Tank
ListingContractDate: 2024-03-15
StreetSuffix: Rd
OriginatingSystemID: M00000290
StreetNumber: 8221
StreetName: Wolf Pen Branch
ModificationTimestamp: 2025-03-12T13:57:58.000Z
ListOfficeMlsId: 408
MlsStatus: Active
TaxBlock: 0007
LotSizeArea: 9.74
SourceSystemID: M00000290
ParcelNumber: 000700710000
ListAgentMlsId: 7345
ParkingFeatures: 2 Car Carport
AssociationFee: 0
DocumentsChangeTimestamp: 2025-03-12T13:57:40.000Z
Heating: Electric,Heat Pump
MajorChangeTimestamp: 2024-03-15T19:03:18.000Z
CarportSpaces: 2
Directions: US Highway 42 to Wolf Pen Branch Rd.
MLSAreaMajor: 09-Anchrg/Glnvw/Lyndn/Prospct
LivingAreaSource: Appraiser
MLSAreaMinor: 09-Anchrg/Glnvw/Lyndn/Prospct
WaterSource: Cistern